Foque is supportive!

Foque is supportive!

The Galician Brotherhood of Venezuela has made possible the delivery of our solidarity clothing shipments for children suffering from cancer.

From Foque we want to thank the efforts of solidarity organizations that work every day to help families and people without resources and in situations of social exclusion. Therefore, we contribute our grain of sand when the occasion requires it and here we name some of the associations with which we collaborate:

Asociación Formas (Madrid), to help reinserted.

Religiosas María Inmaculada (Cádiz)

Fundación Tengo Hogar (Madrid)

Colegio Teresiano del Pilar (Mozambique Project - XaiXai)

ADEMGI, Multiple Sclerosis (Guipuzkoa)

Aladina Foundation, to help children with cancer, and their families.

Galician Brotherhood of Venezuela (Caracas)

It is this last organization, the Galician Brotherhood of Venezuela, who has sent us this video in which they deliver our clothes to the Venezuelan Asosciation of Parents of Children with Cancer (ASOVEPANICA). From here we want to thank your attention and love with which you send help to the most needy.